Thursday, 31 July 2014

Cremation Jewellery | Memorial Jewellery | Ashes Urn – UK

“Ashes to ashes and dust to dust”… maybe that is how the cremations end, reminding you that the ones you held close to your heart are returning to the dust and ashes. What remains with you are the memories and the wish, to hold on to something that will keep their memories close to you.

URNS UK helps you to hold on to the memories of your near and dear ones, long after they are no more. URNS UK has catered to the need of preserving your loved one’s ashes in an artistic rendering in the form of cremation jewellery.

They are beautiful pieces of artistic workmanship that really take your breath away.


URNS UK has a varied range of supreme quality jewels which promise to keep your memories of your loved ones enclosed within the outer brilliance of carefully crafted pendants, bracelets, charms,  chains, key rings and for pets, by storing a small quantity of ashes within them. All can be accessed with a call to ash UK at the number: 08448181107.

There is a whole range Ash Pendent Kensington with prices ranging from 89 to 145 British pounds.

Sterling Silver ASH JEWELLERY from URNS UK, from 89 to 159 British pounds.

Ash Bracelets Chelsea Design from URNS UK is available within the price range of 25-50 British pounds.

Ash Charms Chelsea Design Bracelets are available with a price range of 33 to 45 British pounds.

The chains come in three varieties namely Chelsea Ball, Chelsea Box and Chelsea Snake priced at 6.50 to 10 British pounds.

Ash Key rings are available at 29 British pounds and 39 British pounds.
There is a whole pet collection from Chelsea design, and Mayfair embossed, from URNS UK, within price ranges of 34 to 89 British pounds.

Further more information contact us:-

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